With over 750 students from Lenoir, Wayne and surrounding counties, Arendell Parrott Academy is the largest independent, non-sectarian, TK - 12 college preparatory school in eastern North Carolina.
WCC is a public institution with an open-door admission policy. It offers 140+ certificates, diplomas, and degrees, continuing education courses, and entrepreneur, business, and industry assistance.
Wayne STEM Academy a STEM school for all students in Wayne County and beyond.
Wayne Preparatory Academy is a tuition-free North Carolina Public Charter school serving scholars in grades Kindergarten - 12th grade
Develop your Public Speaking and Leadership skills through Toastmasters.
University of Mount Olive offers degree programs for traditional undergraduate, adult undergraduate, and graduate students. UMO has various educational service centers throughout eastern NC.
The Partnership for Children of Wayne County, Inc. is a non-profit organization designed to provide programs and services for families and children in Wayne County, North Carolina
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